Wednesday 31 July 2013

Sadie Lawty's photostream

Harvey in the seaHound & the wavesPawing around at the beachFraisthorpe BeachBolton CastleBlue sky and a beautiful castle
Beautiful ThwaiteWater, water falling everywhereJumping AceBeautiful BeauDoggy close upRunning hound
Action dogWhere is my ball...?Hello sunflowerWindmillSunflower seaThe bridge to the unknown
View from the topView from Harter FellAt the top of Harter FellView from Harter FellHarter FellHello flower

Here are some pictures which I have just uploaded to my flickr account. Hope you enjoy

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Guess who is back...?

After far too long I have decided to rekindle this blog, welcome back Exposure!  A few weeks ago I spent a glorious weekend in North Yorkshire.  Being an East Yorkshire lass I was looking forward to exploring the North of my home county, and it did not disappoint.  We stayed in the extremely picturesque village of Thwaite. 

One on England's earliest wildlife photographers, Cherry Kearton  was from this very pretty village.  I was not fortunate to snap any wildlife but I did try my best to capture the stunning countryside.